CSU Bookstore and Open Educational Resources - Fall 2024 Archive

Open Educational Resources (OER) listing from Fall 2024.

The CSU Bookstore understands course materials are necessary for student success, and having day-one access to the required course materials can dictate a student's success in class. The CSU Bookstore works with faculty and University Libraries to facilitate access to free or low-cost Open Educational Resources, or OER materials. 

Below is an archive of OER materials adopted for the Summer 2024 semester.

Find Current Semester OER Listings

The CSU Bookstore provides a listing of OER materials adopted for each semester, dating to Fall 2021. You can find the current semester adoptions at bookstore.colostate.edu/oer.

See current semester OER Materials

Summer 2024 OER Listing

The following table is a listing of OER materials instructors at CSU adopted for Summer 2024 and any applicable links to download materials. This information is compiled using information provided to us by instructors and course materials coordinators in the colleges and/or departments.

Some titles linked were on eReserve through the CSU Libraries. Other materials were restricted to use on an on-campus network. Students must access these titles from a computer on an on-campus network or using a secure proxy to access materials off-campus. Please connect with the CSU Student Help Resources for assistance with accessing electronic materials from the library.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is archived data, and some URLs may not work due to changes in file locations, etc. The CSU Bookstore does not maintain OER listings past the current semester. While we make every attempt to ensure this information is correct, it is subject to corrections.  

Dept / Course Section(s) Author Title Link (If Available)
ANTH 372 1 White Human Osteology Download
BUS 201 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 401, 402, 403, 404 Gittell Sustainable Business Case Book Download
BZ 120 1 Openstax Biology Download
BZ 331 1 Evert Esau's Plant Anatomy
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
BZ 471 1 Allan Stream Ecology
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
CIVE 540 1, 801 Rittman Environmental Biotechnology
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
CON 151 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8 Simmons Olin's Construction
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
 DSCI 320 1 Wright Optimization for Data Analysis
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
DSCI 445 1 James An introduction to statistical learning : with applications in R
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
 ECOL 610 1 Chapin Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
ECON 202  4 Core Economy: Economics Download
 ENGR 531 1, 801 Modarres What Every Engineer Should Know About Reliability and Risk Analysis
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
ENGR 535  1, 801 Train Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
ESS 411  1 Chapin Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
 HDFS 318 401, 801 Kaywork An Educator's Guide to Infant and Toddler Development: Understanding and Responding Appropriately
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
LIFE 102  720, 801 Openstax Biology Download
LIFE 103  720 Openstax Biology Download
LIFE 205 1 OpenStax Microbiology Download
 MATH 230 1 Hammack Book of Proof Download
MATH 255  1 Steiner Chemistry Maths Download
MATH 369  1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 801, 888 Kuttler First Course in Linear Algebra Download
MATH 472  1 Munkres Topology Download
 MIP 250 1 Openstax Biology Download
MIP 250 1 Openstax Microbiology Download
 MIP 450 1, 231 Snyder Molecular Genetics
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
MKT 440  1 Nagle The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
MU 131  1 Morgan-Ellis Resonances: Engaging Music Download
MU 343 1 Jhangiani Research Methods in Psychology Download
 PH 353 1 Peatross Physics of Light and Optics Download
REL 430 1 Brett Real Estate Market Analysis : Trends, Methods, and Information Sources, Third Edition
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
SOC 373 801 Margolis The SAGE handbook of visual research methods
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
SOCR 301 801 Ellis Basic and Applied Aspects of Seed Biology
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
SOWK 600 1, 2 Maldin Foundations of Social Work Research Download
SOWK 600 1, 2 Decarlo Graduate research methods in social work Download
 SOWK 630 1, 2 Langer Applying theory to generalist social work practice : a case study approach
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
 SPCM 354B 1 Friedman American Cinema of the 1970s
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
STAA 561 1, 801 Wagaman Probability: With Applications and R
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
STAA 577 801 James An introduction to statistical learning : with applications in R
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
STAT 670 1 Gelman Bayesian Data Analysis, Third Edition, 3rd Edition
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.
WR 512 401, 402, 801 Jones Colorado Water Law for Non-Lawyers
Student must be connected to an on-campus network or secure proxy to access these materials.