CSU Bookstore eBook Activation Instructions

Learn how to activate eBooks purchased at the CSU Bookstore.

Below are instructions for accessing and activating most eBooks purchase at the CSU Bookstore website, or eBooks purchased at the CSU Bookstore. Please note, these instructions do not cover Day One Access. Please check your CSU email for instructions for accessing Day One Access content.

For eBook support, please visit our digital content provider VitalSource. Live 24/7 chat and email support is available at support.vitalsource.com

Activating an eBook Purchased On the CSU Bookstore Website

Activating an eBook Purchased at the CSU Bookstore

CSU Bookstore eBook Activation Instructions

Learn how to activate eBooks purchased at the CSU Bookstore.

Below are instructions for accessing and activating most eBooks purchase at the CSU Bookstore website, or eBooks purchased at the CSU Bookstore. Please note, these instructions do not cover Day One Access. Please check your CSU email for instructions for accessing Day One Access content.

If you are having trouble accessing your eBook or have not received your activation email, please complete our eBook Problem Form by clicking the button below.

eBook Problem Help Form

For eBook support, please visit our digital content provider VitalSource. Live 24/7 chat and email support is available at support.vitalsource.com

Activating an eBook Purchased On the CSU Bookstore Website

Activating an eBook Purchased at the CSU Bookstore