Cancellation Request Form
Need to cancel a CSU Bookstore Order?
Use this form below to cancel a CSU Bookstore order. You can use this form to cancel:
- Online Orders
- Textbook Preorders
- Special Orders placed inside the CSU Bookstore
- Other orders placed inside the CSU Bookstore.
Please click the button below to start your cancellation request. You will receive an email confirming your cancellation.
Cancellation requests are typically processed within one business day.
Cancellation Request FormCSU Bookstore Cancellation Request Form
Use this form to cancel most CSU Bookstore orders.
Need to cancel all or part of a CSU Bookstore order?
Use this form below to cancel a CSU Bookstore order. You can use this form to cancel:
- Online Orders
- Textbook Preorders
- Special Orders placed inside the CSU Bookstore
- Other orders placed inside the CSU Bookstore.
Instructions: Click the button to complete the form. Please direct any questions to [email protected].
Cancellation Request Form