
Warblers of North America by Quick Reference Publishing

Warblers of North America by Quick Reference Publishing

Price: $8.95

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Product Description

Item: 194333429

Warblers of North America provides comprehensive coverage of all the regularly occurring warblers of NA, plus a few rarities. Over 150 photos include breeding adults, nonbreeding and first-winter plumages of many species where pertinent, and immature male and female photos of some species. Similar species are often shown adjacent to each other to allow for direct comparison in the field.

Each species includes a short description of their physical and plumage features, body and wingspan measurements, and preferred habitats. The status of each species, including seasonal frequency, resident or migrant occurrence, along with the habitat preferences are noted, and geographic occurrence for most species is provided.

These guides differ from other similar products by the increased number of photos for each species, which allows readers to compare a variety of individuals on the same page. This laminated, waterproof, folding field guide is a must for anyone who wants to identify warblers anywhere in North America—and they fit in your back pocket when you complete your ID conclusion. You’ve tried the rest; now try the best quick reference guides for North American warblers. --Quick Reference