
Dependable Landscape Trees By Sarah Shaub

Dependable Landscape Trees By Sarah Shaub

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Product Description

Item: 188914324

An invaluable resource for both home owners and the green industry. Each plant evaluation is based on data collected between 1997 and 2012 and each plant included in the book was evaluated for at least 10 years. Plants at the Arboretum are evaluated on characteristics related to aesthetic value, plant health, insect and disease problems, and cultural and maintenance problems. In addition to photographs of most of the trees featured in the book, readers will find general characteristics, a summary of the main ornamental features of each tree, and performance measures. The book also contains several appendices which list the trees by flower color, fruit color, landscape uses, mature size and fall color. Some of the trees still under evaluation are listed only in the appendices because they did not meet the 10-year criteria--Publisher (edited)